Article Woke Culture

Not very accurate but definitely HIV positive


Article Frankie & Alice

replied to: Was her mother ever charged for killing her baby I…

I think the baby still would have had black features and the family could have come up with a lie to spare the baby. But then again I suppose the fear overcame the grandmother of the baby. They could have put it up for adoption? Left the baby on a church doorstep? The baby did not deserve to die. Just a very sad story .


Article Contrasting the Foiled American Fascist Coup Plot…

I had no idea- I didn't know this had happened. A friend of mine grew up in a Favela - he said the police would come in and shoot at the kids if one of them had hiked into the city and stolen from a street merchant. His best friend caught a bullet in the head, and my friend had to wipe his brains off his buddies face to say goodbye to him.

I wish I could help. The PMDB’s project, “A Bridge to the Future”, is described as a liberalism. This must be the new meaning of the word. The old meaning, according to Wikipedia, is

"Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, private property and a market economy."

I guess the Market economy part was deemed at odds with the other parts, and it won. I live in the USA- we have been contributing weapons and mercentaries to destroy the country that single-handedly defeated over 80% off the Wehrmacht (Nazi military) in WWII, suffering the loss of 23.5 million lives in the process. After the war, we saved the lives of the worst Nazi war criminals, names like Klaus "The Butcher of Lyon", and send them down to fight our Dirty War against the socialists for us. Eventually Klaus got caught and was deported to France, where he spent the rest of his life in prison.

This was hardly a new trend. Over the thirty years between the separation of Panama and Colombia in 1903, the United States military forces invaded Caribbean countries at least thirty-four times, occupied Honduras,
Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica for short periods, and remained in Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic for longer stays.

Between the bookends of the Spanish-American War and Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor
policy, the United States became an empire in Latin America. For several decades, American
industry exploited the instability of developing nations for economic gain. Following corporate
mergers and economic contractions of the 1890s, many of America’s largest international
corporations jump-started in Latin America, pouring billions of dollars into the region and
investing in mining, railroads, sugar, electricity, oil, and agriculture.

American industry leaders’ zeal and ambition was endorsed, justified, and legitimized through the foreign policy positions of successive presidents and their posture towards their Southern neighbors. Teddy ["9 out of 10 dead Indians are good Indians"] Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, for example,

authorized gunboat diplomacy and enabled a hands-on approach to instability in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. In his December 1904 address of Congress, Roosevelt declared that other nations “cannot be happy and prosperous unless they maintain order within their boundaries and beyond with a just regard for their obligations towards
outsiders.”97 Such a position allowed the United States to interfere and “exercise international public power” to ensure that those obligations, often the fulfillments of debts and credits, were maintained.

Taft’s justifications closely mirrored Roosevelt’s, but instead focused more explicitly on finances. In his now famous address of Congress in 1912, Taft suggested “substituting dollars for bullets,” or “a [foreign policy] effort directed to the increase of American trade upon the axiomatic principle that the Government of the United States shall extend all proper support to
every legitimate and beneficial American enterprise abroad.”

That “proper support” of dollar diplomacy was supplied and insured by military force.

Currently, the Left has become the Right, and is inching closer and closer to starting World War III with Russia. Why? It would be profitable for our military industrial complex, I guess. We are astoundingly upset at 1000 dead in Ukraine, somehow forgetting the 1 million or more socialists we killed in Iraq 19 years ago with our "Shock and Awe" doctrine. The authors of that doctrine admit (and seem proud) that it is based off of the Nazi "Blitzkrieg" and 2nd Reich (eg the Holy Roman Empire) tactics.

As an aside; alot of people don't know that Operation Barbarossa was named after "Redbeard", the guy who put the Holy in the Holy Roman Empire, who had the same last name. That was the largest military invasion to date.

Article On being sane in insane places

I agree . The dangerous antidepressants and anti psychotic drugs cause mental illness and extreme anxiety and hate causing suicides and even in some mass shootings. The timeline of when antidepressants became routine prescriptions and when mass shootings began cannot be ignored. I am a retired LPN who worked in the hospital for 43 yrs and cannot ignore that the newer antidepressants were increasingly prescribed to my patients that I dispensed and simultaneously noticed an increase in mass shootings and most shooters were found to have been on antidepressants. You cannot ignore those facts and I feel all psychotropics should be recalled for I also know people whose lives and marriages have been destroyed due to increased anger and violence as I also experienced knowing relatives and patients on them. I hope Dr Kohls keeps fighting to stop these poisonous medication that do nothing positive for patients. I remember a patient who was on them for 20 years and came to the hospital shaking all over with tremors and ended up having a stroke and died. I feel after seeing the increase in suicides and shootings and other side affects at times cause death that they need to all be recalled and go back to helping people only with talking to a therapist and even better asking Jesus to heal them. Another illness that has been ignored in favor of the antidepressants is hyper or hypothyroidism which exhibits itself as mental since patients experience fogginess and anxiety ,depression as I did and my Hashimotos Hypothyroidism was the caused and easily treated with one pill ,Synthroid, a hormone replacement medication that had me clear up within a month. in 1978.

Article Dickie and Ray

I would give Ray rides sometimes, when I would see him walking!

Article Dickie and Ray

Article Too late to stop me

I for one am wishing you the best of everything in helping to eradicate our district of Pete Stauber, and the influence on real democracy that his unrealistically biased, angry, and denial based supporters have put forth. Run Harry, run!!

Article Too late to stop me

I voted for Stauber in 2020, I thought he might have some integrity. When he signed us up with Texas and other members of the deep south to decertify the election I knew I could never vote for him again. Harry you will have my vote in the Primary.

Article Primarying Pete Stauber

Pete Stauber is a spineless piece of shit. I've never voted Republican but I would crawl across broken glass to vote Stauber out in the primary.

Article PISCES

I really don’t like this I’m a female Pisces and I don’t think this is true about Pisces women maybe men I’m offended

Article More neighbors

I think you overlooked Ali (sp) and Lois Zeil (sp) who owned Lost Tavern for many years before Jim and Cindy bought it.

Article Letters June 30, 2022

Regarding Chuck Bracken's letter from June 30th, I have to ask why was it published? It seems to me the Reader has a duty to elevate political discourse; the bar is already low enough without Bracken's continuous ranting. He closes his polemic with this sentence: "In closing, I have been thinking about this for some time but here is my closing statement, Democrats are terrible politicians and very terrible people!"
Democrats are the majority party in this country, sir, and while you may like to think you know more than most people, you are misguided. The majority of your fellow countrymen are happy that you are a "former" teacher and hope you taught dodgeball or wood shop. After the 911 attack, republicans showed their true colors when they refused to ban suspected terrorists on the no-fly list from buying guns. Not all republicans are very terrible people; some of them are just greedy, some are misinformed, some hold religious views that they would like to force on everyone, some fearfully sleep with their guns and some are just plain stupid. Please don't print their letters!