PAVSA's Herstory Luncheon
11:30am Thu. Apr. 5
Greysolon Ballroom, Duluth
11:30am Thu. Apr. 5
Greysolon Ballroom, Duluth
5-8pm Thu. Apr. 5
Powerhouse Bar, Proctor
5:30pm Thu. Apr. 5
Harrison Community Center, Duluth
6pm Thu. Apr. 5
Sir Benedict's Tavern, Duluth
6pm Thu. Apr. 5
Cedar Lounge/Earth Rider Brewery, Superior
6pm Thu. Apr. 5
7pm Thu. Apr. 5
Black Water Lounge, Duluth
7-9pm Thu. Apr. 5
Blacklist Brewing, Duluth
7pm Thu. Apr. 5
Bent Paddle Taproom, Duluth
7pm Thu. Apr. 5
Powerhouse Bar, Proctor
7pm Thu. Apr. 5
Mitchell Auditorium, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth
7:30pm Thu. Apr. 5
The Red Herring Lounge, Duluth
7:30pm Thu. Apr. 5
Holden Fine Arts Center, Webb Recital Hall, Superior