
Question Best Optical

Great deals and knowledgable staff.


Question Best Appetizer

The Nacho's are to die for. They are served on hand-cut steakhouse fries and have steak tips on them along with lots of other goodies! Yummy!

Article Best of Services

great customer service. Always willing to help with any situation. Great Job!


Question Best Kept Secret

Interesting and delicious food you will not find anywhere else.


Question Best Kept Secret

replied to: Interesting and delicious food you will not find…

That was supposed to say, Pak's Green Corner has interesting and delicious food you won't find anywhere else.

Article Best of Food & Drink

Eddies is great food and service I have taken large grou that were in town for a convention and they have ask to go here with eddies food

Article Thirty-five U.S. Bases Surround Iran -- Who’s…

USA to Iran, We have agreed to let you enrich uranium to 5% needed for nuclear power. But OH we are asking you so humbly. "Oh pretty please Iran, pretty please don't enrich uranium to 20%. And please, We mean Pretty please send your spent fuel rods to Russia as they will store them for you. Oh pretty please Iran, please don't hurt us. Please please please Iran we will kiss your ass and do anything you ask us to.

Article A Conversation With A Former Synthetic Marijuana…

I founded SyntheticHigh.Org for anyone wanting to find understanding of what synthetic marijuana/drugs are, their symptoms, how there used, treatment, and Support. Having been a user/addict for almost 2 years myself, I found no place to help me get better. Thanks to the support of my wife I have a vision to turn something so bad into something so good “Synthetic High”. We hope to offer online counseling, interactive chat/support and a place for people to share there experience and comment on others experiences. We welcome any ideas, or input visitors might have as to how we can best serve the cause to fight Synthetic High’s. Please become a Member share your story and help others.

Please Register, Become a Member Of Synthetic High And Help Spread Awareness Today!

Please Visit Emily Bauer’s Face Book And Support S.A.F.E.

Article The Bet

from one genius to another, by god, paul ryan, you're a genius

Article The First Casualty of War is Truth; Gallipoli, the…

I'm sorry, while I agree with whatt you write you have a few simple, easily checked facts wrong about Australia which makes this less than reliable as a source of information. Firstly Australia day is January 26th which is 'celebrating' the arrival of white people in the country, some would prefer it to be called Invasion Day. The second piece of misinformation is 'Waltzing maltilda' is not our national anthem, our anthem is actually Advance Australia Fair, which was chosen to replace 'God save the Queen'.

Article Jesus Christ!

I don't think Jesus would swear so much. He would use more refined words. It was funny though for us dummies!