Amy, I went through the very same loss as you. I was 30 years old when my much-loved mom died suddenly from a heart attack. There was no warning,
she just died one evening at home. It was shocking and the grief is overwhelming. The pain never completely goes away, but as time goes by, it lessens. You will still think of her many times a day and family gatherings are just not the same without her. You are right about the huge void in your life.Try to fill that void with the many happy memories that no one can take away from you. That way, she is always with you. I didn't know your mom personally, but I would be willing to bet that she wouldn't want you to grieve your loss forever. Live your days with funny stories about your mom and tell your kids these stories about their grandmother. They will love it. Soon, you will find yourself smiling again, remembering her.
I have always enjoyed your columns and I bet your mom is very proud of you. Take care.
How many jobs would be created by this industry cleaning up its mess as it goes along? U.S. Steel company makes billions quarterly, and we're supposed to accept that it can't spend a few hundred million to collect and treat its water at a huge, profitable mining operation? And that we should allow non-unionism and automation to progress as the norm, while calling them "job creators"? I don't think so.
Kathleen does not have a brother, she has a younger sister Nora, who is currently an undergraduate at Smith College. I am a very long-time friend of Kathleen's and her family and would like to see the record set straight. This was a very good article and I'm glad to read about Kathleen's current "doings".
If the member nations were told the truth, they would wonder what this is all about since the real deal is that the ICBUW and John LaForge love the attention that they get by lying about depleted uranium. Surprisingly, both ICBUW and LaForge completely ignore the field and laboratory reports of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), all of whom have done actual field research in Balkans and Kuwait and would have done the same in Iraq if Saddam Hussein had allowed them entry. WHO has just completed birth defects study in Iraq and results are to be made public next year. There was no reliable information before, but LaForge, ICBUW, Leuren Moret, Doug Rokke, Chris Busby, Mozghan Savabiesafahani and Palestinian Propaganda network keep pushing the lies that began with Saddam Hussein. Too bad that LaForge is not willing to publicly discuss and admit when he is wrong. Write me - I work for no one and don't bite - DUStory dash owner at yahoo groups dot com.
PS - Israel does not use DU. Palestinian propagandists and their friends claim that Israel does. Israel probably does not even have DU kinetic energy penetrators. They are known to have tungsten ones and they have not used those either since they have never faced a modern tank that would require the use of a penetrator. The last tanks that Israel fought were 1950's and 60's vintage in the 73 War. Score another zero for LaForge's accuracy meter.
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article With Blake Reistad, a Former Park Point Resident
Article Mom
Article Mom
Article Mom
she just died one evening at home. It was shocking and the grief is overwhelming. The pain never completely goes away, but as time goes by, it lessens. You will still think of her many times a day and family gatherings are just not the same without her. You are right about the huge void in your life.Try to fill that void with the many happy memories that no one can take away from you. That way, she is always with you. I didn't know your mom personally, but I would be willing to bet that she wouldn't want you to grieve your loss forever. Live your days with funny stories about your mom and tell your kids these stories about their grandmother. They will love it. Soon, you will find yourself smiling again, remembering her.
I have always enjoyed your columns and I bet your mom is very proud of you. Take care.
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