Agree 100 - have gotten to the point where I am so angry at our county and government for the benefits the needy gets. I feel like they solely do it out of fear of what our cities will look like if we don't benefit them for being unfortunate. Fear of violence, higher crime rates worse poverty ...legit homeless chaos. Your easily going to get burnt on your 9-5 sweetie bc your hard working :) something almost half the people in Duluth can't say.. Maybe burnt out on doing nothing or marijuana. I think we need a serious adjustment to out section 8 bs programs and county bs.
As far as the way our city seems to always be about the poorer people than te hard workers.
Oh and most mail men are creepy. Good article And love pickle chips cheers from my pino.
Tarryl Clark certainly gives credence to the notion that DFL stands for Damned Filthy Liars in several comments in her interview, but particularly her statement, "The right has tried to convince us that we can either have jobs or the environment, not both, but we know better." falls heavily on its lying ass. The "right" is just as concerned about keeping the environment clean (if not more), the difference is, the right "ACTUALLY" seeks solutions to balance the two, not spout empty "I'm with you" platitudes while stabbing the mining industry in the back the way Oberstar did. Paying lip service to the mining industry while sleeping with the tree huggers and taking their money simply makes leftists like Clark (and formerly Oberstar) political whores.
What Congressman Cravaack found when he took office and took on the dilemma of the permitting nightmare non-ferrous mining was up against was, every alphabet agency involved, state and federal, hadn't a clue what the other was doing. To solve this, Cravaack began his quarterly round tables, bringing the interested parties together to get them all on the same page. In other words, Cravaack put his money where his mouth is, something you won't see these anti-business democrat clowns doing with very few exceptions.
It is interesting that Clark's "Jobs21" and "sustainable jobs", is so like the UN's "Agenda 21" and it's draconian statist plan for controlling everyday life through "sustainable" processes that are as UN-American as was Stalinist Russia.
Clark's BlueGreen Alliance is better know to those of us who are aware of these groups and who populate them, as the "watermelon coalition". Green on the outside, Red on the inside, and they have nothing to do with clean environment and economic growth and everything to do with power and control.
Clark is well known in the 8th district as a carpet bagger, or more colloquially a "pack sacker". She moves from district to district, simply to further her own political ambitions... on another note, it comes as no surprise that Bill Clinton endorsed Clark - she's the only woman in the race.
If you want to write a piece on snapping turtles it would be nice if you researched it before writing misinformation. For example alligator snapping turtles are not found only in Florida but Alligator Snapping turtles are found in 11 other states and throughout the southeastern United States in rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico and differ not only in size and shell (the alligator turtle shell is much rougher and has three distinctive ridges, while the common snapper's shells are smooth) but you can also see the difference in the shape of their heads, as you look at them from above. The alligator snapper has a triangular, pointed head, while the common snapper's head is more oval.
And you didn't even mention the most distinctive difference: The fleshy lure located at the bottom of its mouth, easily spotted when the turtle opens its jaws. The alligator snapper is the only turtle in the world with such a 'device'. With its jaws open the turtle fools fish into believing its lure is a live worm. Once a fish enters this trap to take a bite - it becomes a meal itself. The common snapper does not have such a lure. And finally another unique feature found on the alligator snapping turtle is a fleshy eyelash-like growth around its eyes - again, the common snapping turtle lacks them.
The other species of snapping turtle are NOT named simply snapping turtles as you say but their name is the "common snapping turtle" of which there are four subspecies, the Mexican, the Northern, the Florida and the Equadorian snapping turtles.
Hit the nail on the head there!!! Pathetic little store making lots of money off people who are slowly destroying themselves. And guess what....... There IS NO free will when your an addict!!
Being a libertarian, I consider myself more aligned with liberals than conservatives. Except that I can't stand cry babies. Or using force to take away other people's livelihood and hand it out to other people via a third party, i.e. the Federal Government. Libertarians aren't "faux republicans," they are a breed of their own. They value a lot of the same things liberals do: Civil liberties, the environment, equality, gay rights, ending the drug war, ending foreign wars, dismantling the police state, ending crony capitalism. Mr. Johnson, you seem to not understand the difference between our current system and free market capitalism. There is a massive difference. We do not operate in a fully capitalistic economy. It is rife with cheaters, thieves and a "wealthy smidgeon of the populace." Think of free market capitalism as two consenting individuals coming together voluntary and exchanging money/goods/services. Without coercion, fervent regulation or government intervention this process goes very smoothly and both parties always win; otherwise they wouldn't partake in the transaction. And as far as funding massive public infrastructure and schools goes it's pretty much taken care of already. Gas taxes=public infrastructure. Property taxes=education. State taxes are fine. However the Federal Income Tax should be abolished immediately as it just pays for the wars anyway. Health care is messy and no one has a good answer. However, a socialistic approach to health care will bankrupt our country and will not improve care or cost.
Thank you for taking time to research and report on this . I hope you feel it was time well spent cuz I do ! We are losing more of our freedoms every day & this would have been a big one for "big brother" to take away from "we the people" ! I hope every one who reads this takes a moment to realize how important it is to keep an eye on those that are watching us . Maybe even start attending things like town board meetings just to see what they are trying to "slide" through without the constituents having proper say in these important matters that would effect everyone on us! Keep up the good work & thanks again from all your friends @ Wasko'S
Seriously?! This article is so blatantly one-sided and void of research and facts surrounding the situation. For years neighbors and nearby residents have been trying to maintain their own freedoms and seek a solution to the noise pollution, land and water pollution and general threat to the environment perpetrated by those who use the "campground." To many the place and its events appear to provide a venue for illicit and possible illegal activity. (check numerous police records and calls to the address) Neighbors have suffered property damage, vandalism and worse. Several attempts have been made to work cooperatively with the business owner. Intimidation has forced people to file anonymous complaints. Your article presents a false picture of an effort to squelch free speech. The issue couldn't be further from the truth. I sometimes like to pick up the 'Reader' and try to support alternative publications but this piece certainly makes me think twice about that.
Lake M resident, were the hell were you the last couple of town meetings? Land and water pollution? Chris passes every inspection they can throw at him! The reason he gets a bunch of complaints is because a handful of rich owners around the lake who don't can't stand "the little people" having a fun time. These metal shows only happen 4 days in the years. Only 4 f-ing days. You can't handle 4 days?!! Are you kidding me?!
It's like take a vacation if you can't handle 4 days out of the entire year of metal music. Leave the guy alone for crying out loud! It's like you and hand full of people have to make your problem everyone else's problem. He's just trying to run a business to pay for food on the table. I really enjoyed the statement "possible (key word possible) illegal activity". That
proves you are a judgmental prick. You look at someone who has long hair or rides a motorcycle and assume "He's a druggie.". You are harrassing him with all of your complaints. He's not breaking the law. Leave him alone.
Lori's article hits the nail on the head. This battle is not going well. The complete control of our State and Federal governments by criminal multinational mining conglomerates is obvious in both parties. Almost no one in or running for office has not been bought and paid for, nor dares to demand environmental accountability from the robber barons who are burying our people and our entire beautiful Earth in an avalanche of dirty money to get 10-20 years of minerals in exchange for the pollution of our land and water for thousands of years. Now they expect us to believe it will benefit our children? I wish it was the absurd joke it appears to be.
Article Damaged Goods
Seriously, though, interesting thoughts. Work, mailmen, disasters...burnout can be the least of it. Hang in there!
Article Damaged Goods
Article Damaged Goods
As far as the way our city seems to always be about the poorer people than te hard workers.
Oh and most mail men are creepy. Good article And love pickle chips cheers from my pino.
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replied to: can't make beer without copper either …
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Article Interview with the 8th District Hopeful Tarryl…
What Congressman Cravaack found when he took office and took on the dilemma of the permitting nightmare non-ferrous mining was up against was, every alphabet agency involved, state and federal, hadn't a clue what the other was doing. To solve this, Cravaack began his quarterly round tables, bringing the interested parties together to get them all on the same page. In other words, Cravaack put his money where his mouth is, something you won't see these anti-business democrat clowns doing with very few exceptions.
It is interesting that Clark's "Jobs21" and "sustainable jobs", is so like the UN's "Agenda 21" and it's draconian statist plan for controlling everyday life through "sustainable" processes that are as UN-American as was Stalinist Russia.
Clark's BlueGreen Alliance is better know to those of us who are aware of these groups and who populate them, as the "watermelon coalition". Green on the outside, Red on the inside, and they have nothing to do with clean environment and economic growth and everything to do with power and control.
Clark is well known in the 8th district as a carpet bagger, or more colloquially a "pack sacker". She moves from district to district, simply to further her own political ambitions... on another note, it comes as no surprise that Bill Clinton endorsed Clark - she's the only woman in the race.
Article The Snapping Turtle
And you didn't even mention the most distinctive difference: The fleshy lure located at the bottom of its mouth, easily spotted when the turtle opens its jaws. The alligator snapper is the only turtle in the world with such a 'device'. With its jaws open the turtle fools fish into believing its lure is a live worm. Once a fish enters this trap to take a bite - it becomes a meal itself. The common snapper does not have such a lure. And finally another unique feature found on the alligator snapping turtle is a fleshy eyelash-like growth around its eyes - again, the common snapping turtle lacks them.
The other species of snapping turtle are NOT named simply snapping turtles as you say but their name is the "common snapping turtle" of which there are four subspecies, the Mexican, the Northern, the Florida and the Equadorian snapping turtles.
And there also exist what I refer to as the "uncommon" common snapping turtle which is the results of selective breeding for traits like Albinism and can be seen here:
It has been my pleasure to make your article truly informative and not just filler!
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proves you are a judgmental prick. You look at someone who has long hair or rides a motorcycle and assume "He's a druggie.". You are harrassing him with all of your complaints. He's not breaking the law. Leave him alone.
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