Article Harry doesn’t want to live here any more.

Hmmmm.....I'm escaping. I've had enough of Northern Illinois winters, and "Arctic Clippers" zooming down the Lake. DONE! Hopefully, come spring, this 'money pit' will become someone else's nightmare, and I'm heading west. Looking toward Idaho, and the more temperate winters around the port town of Lewiston there.
Geese may be stupid, but butterflies head south and west every autumn as well. Maybe we should be paying closer attention to natural migrators. I'm just no longer willing to watch drifts cover the windows and doors, and I am definitely no longer willing to have to tape plastic and heavy blankets over those same windows and doors, and still have to burrow under an animal skin to try to stay warm.....yep, Idaho is looking pretty interesting these days......I don't consider myself 'tough' any idea of 'roughing it' these days is to have the men folk carry raw meat out to the grill, and bring it back into the A/C grilled to perfection.....that's about as 'rough' as this old soul can tolerate any more..... LOL!

Article All Aboard the Loony Train

Please explain how having a hearing before a reitred judge is an actual "legal proceeding". It doesn't mean it will take place in a courtroom, or that anyone will be sworn in to testify. It is just another lawyer-turned-judge-now retired giving his opinion from my understanding.

Article The Elderado Rides out of Town

Larry Elder wants to inform listeners he is still on the air. This is how you tune in.

12/20, 10:48pm
Larry Elder
I'm still on You can STILL use your radio, too. Your console has an input for an auxiliary cable. Stick one end in your phone, the other on the input. Use LIVE 365 app. Type in Larry Elder show. 3-6p PT LIVE

Article Rest in Peace, Tomas Young

Sad to hear about this young man and his faith. More sadness I feel that nobody will rest a minute to learn from him. Not Obama, not Merkel, especialy non of my once again foolish country man who became the bailiffs of imperial America in Yugoslavia and Ukraine. All the people killed in the past, died in vain because nobody is neither able nor willing to learn the lesson. Nobody likes to be old. But I am happy to be be 66 and not 26 again, in a Germany once mor on the brink.

Article Food of the Week: Hydrolyzed Corn Protein

Do you realize what happens when you ingest added sugar in any amount your body can't use? I'll tell you in a second, but processed "food" is usually full of sugar. The body immediately converts it to fat. So, for instance, when you drink a soda, most of it gets converted to fat. The same for fruit juice. Sugar in fruit itself is release gradually into the body so the body can use it incrementally. So since processed food that is sugar heavy will make you fatter faster than eating sugar from natural sources. So sure, canned pie crust is "food" but since it is full of sugar, not very healthy.

Article Food of the Week: Hydrolyzed Corn Protein

Do you realize what happens when you ingest added sugar in any amount your body can't use? I'll tell you in a second, but processed "food" is usually full of sugar. The body immediately converts it to fat. So, for instance, when you drink a soda, most of it gets converted to fat. The same for fruit juice. Sugar in fruit itself is release gradually into the body so the body can use it incrementally. So since processed food that is sugar heavy will make you fatter faster than eating sugar from natural sources. So sure, canned pie crust is "food" but since it is full of sugar, not very healthy.


Article Shannon Miller Saga Dominates Sports Scene

There must be more to the story than the weak phony-sounding rationale provided...probably difficult to work with, abrasive personality? I don't know, but there's something not being said.

Article VIRGO

My original question was not answered. I asked why are virgos so derided, is it because they are too smart for their own good. What I got from you is derision and a little bit of TLC. What is it? one or the other, can't be both. Anyway, I disagree with you, you missed the heart and soul of virgo but focused on their critical qualities. Lucky for everyone that virgos are their own worst enemy with the self-criticism or else they would be the most powerful sign of the 12.


Article Shannon Miller Saga Dominates Sports Scene

Johnny... have to agree with the beaudog, although I'm not going to insert any possible causes on here. We have her feelings about the situation, we have Mr. Berlo's public comments regarding the matter, and.... we have nothing else. Perhaps you can find a third party, who is neutral, that knows the real story here and is willing to be quoted. (because I know that you don't like the "unnamed sources" kind of situations) What is the story we are NOT getting here Gilby?


Article The Forgotten Christmas Truce of 1914 and the…

This is one of the most thought-provoking articles on the stupidity and evilness of war I've ever read. It will create a new perspective on the corruption and depravity of mankind that has existed since Adam and Eve's downfall in the Garden of Eden, and how it has grown more evil in every generation. While this article should be read by every person who has commonsense and a certain level of intelligence, it unfortunately will go little noticed by our present day society. I will pass your newspaper availability to many of my open-minded friends and will continue to view your newspaper regularly. Thank you for your appreciated view that is lacking in most media.


Article Living in a dual homeland

jane ,
i can see you are torn between minnesota and california. i know from being from iowa and living in northern minnesota i am often torn. i miss my family.
i feel like i'm a different person when i'm there. i understand, but it always is good to come back home. good job, jane. i enjoyed your article.

Article Opposing View Points Take Turns at PUC Sand Piper…

great article Paul. I am frwd to Kitty Mayo who is writing an article for the Northland Journal that is delivered free to everyone living in Lake County weekly
Tusen takk, mii gwech u merci in my ancestors tongues.
Beginning New Year' Day I spent at least 49 hours computer time asking peeps and groups to show up. I also called or emailed of FBed all the elected officials in Lake, Cok and Carlton counties. Franken and KLobuchars energy aides got back immediately as did Jeff Anderson from Nolan's office (he voted with Republican in house on pipeline on Thur or
Fri.) At least Rick has always been honest about where he stands.

I left phone msgs for Tom Bakk m David Dill that were not returned.
I do not have a contact for Mary Murphy. Of Mayors, only Silver Bay's responded with the names and contacts for SB City Council that I could not find on line. I asked Mayor Randy Bolen who's a distant relation by marriage to a fourth cousin via phone, FB and emailNo response. I FBed msg
Donnie Ness twice saying support for Endridge would be a black mark on his legacy, DO YOU KNOW WHAT DONNIE NESS said at hearing? I will pass article around to all elected officials I contacted and the orgs I invited. I am presuming the other 4 hearings were overwhelmed by opponents ofEndridge has 750 in Twin Ports area. Those union peeps, especially bldg trades (they endorsed Cravaack) should be demanding union jobs in wind, solar Lake Superior Wave and other sources of sustainable energy

If you'd like a revised version of this note for a letter, let me