Best Car Dealer

Kari Toyota

Kari Toyota is like a small-town sports team that just keeps winning. Kari Toyota has lost the Reader Weekly’s poll only once, since the Best of the Northland Issue has been around. “It is like when a professional sports team wins and says ‘We have the best fans in the world’” said Chris Kari. Awhile back, Jerry Seinfeld made an observation about how most professional sports teams change players so often. Once, a player changes sides he is loved by the new city and hated by the old. He said that you are really rooting for your uniform to beat the other side’s uniform. This is not true with Kari Toyota. Members of their team don’t switch sides very often. “And our employees, most of them, have worked here for many years and have a great knowledge of the product,” said Chris. Also, the team is not run by some corporation hundreds of miles away. Chris points out that the owners and managers are there all the time and not “bouncing between 20 dealerships.” Kari’s hometown fans appreciate this. Chris mentions how they have about 2500 people following their Facebook page, which is more that most Toyota dealerships in the cities. You can just here the team at Kari Toyota saying like Lou Gehrig, “Today, we consider ourselves the luckiest dealership on the face of the earth earth.”

Runner Up: Krenzen