Best TV Program (local)

The Playlist (WDSE)

Last September I had my first real look at how The Playlist is produced. Now I understand why the program is as good as it is … and why Northlanders have once again voted it Best Local TV Program. It was at Tycoons, and I was part of the live audience for a taping of a performance by Paul Metsa and Cats Under the Stars. Metsa, of course, did not disappoint (can’t wait to see WDSE’s upcoming documentary on the band), but an added bonus for me was seeing The Playlist’s producer, Karen Sunderman, in action. She wasn’t loud. She wasn’t barking out commands. She wasn’t trying to micro-manage the cameraman or set up any kind of shot that would’ve looked good on camera but not been real. She simply “let it be.” Don’t get me wrong! Everything that needed to be done by the production team was done and done well. But, somehow, Karen has figured out how to do it without cramping anyone’s style … or anyone’s art. Her hands-off approach allows people to be themselves and shine … and then her production team quietly captures it all on tape and brings it into our living rooms. Now how good is that?