
Articles, News, Photos, and Videos matching "kohls"

The GOP’s Hidden, Unspoken “Big Tent” Agenda: “We Don’t Want No More Niggers in the White House”

Fri. Oct. 5th, 2012  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

Anyone who watched the two national political conventions last month couldn’t help but be impressed with the nearly total lack of racial diversity at the (“White’s Only”) Republican National Convention. The large number of racially-diverse delegates at the Democratic National Convention was truly impressive. It should be obvious that white racism will be a huge

And Then They Came for the Gays: Paragraph 175 and the Pink Triangle

Fri. Oct. 19th, 2012  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

The famous poem above was written by the courageous German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller in the years after he was liberated from one of Adolf Hitler’s concentration camps. As was the case with most conservative Protestant clergymen and their congregants, Niemoller despised the Weimar democratic r

Two Essays from the Past: On the 10th Anniversary of the Strange Death of Paul Wellstone

Fri. Oct. 26th, 2012  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

October 25th, a week and a half before 2012’s election day, is the 10th anniversary of the death of Paul Wellstone. A number of commemorative events occurred during the week, but sadly, the loss of this courageous patriot will soon be forgotten by voters who should care enormously that his death was very likely, ac

The Massacre at Sandy Hook and the Elephant in the Room

Fri. Dec. 28th, 2012  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

Since the most recent American school shooting-of-the-month that occurred on 12-14-12, thousands of aware mental health professionals, psychiatric survivors, and victims of drug-induced violence have been watching and listening in vain for any of the major TV or radio networks to even breathe a single word about the likely possibility that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter (widely identified as having had a very

“Now That He Is Safely Dead”: Silencing the Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fri. Jan. 11th, 2013  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

“Now That He Is Safely Dead” Now that he is safely dead let us praise him, build monuments to his glory, sing hosannas to his name. Dead men make such convenient heroes. They cannot rise to challenge the images we would fashion from their lives. And besides, it is easier to build monuments than to make a better world. – Carl Wendell Hines

Excerpts from the Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sun. Jan. 20th, 2013  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

Compiled by Gary G. Kohls for Every Church A Peace Church Last week’s Duty to Warn column (January 11, 2013) discussed what appears to many people in the Christian faith-based peace and justice movement to be a co

The Guns AND Butter Myth

Fri. Jan. 25th, 2013  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

Years ago I read a newspaper story about an elderly man who lived in an impoverished area of Cleveland, Ohio. The man was a friendless loner who seemed to have no caring family members. Neighbors had noticed his mail piling up on his p

Guns and Drugs Don’t Mix

Thu. Jan. 31st, 2013  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

In a number of past Duty to Warn columns I have attempted to warn my readers about the connections between brain-altering drugs (both illicit and prescribed) and a multitude of abnormal behaviors that s

Bringing Death to Your Hometown

Sat. Mar. 9th, 2013  |  Gary G. Kohls, MD

Bruce Springsteen’s Warning about Robber Barons, Scott Walker, Wisconsin’s GOP Senate Majority, and Exploitive Corporate Mining Projects That are Coming Soon to a Region Near You