Overeaters Anonymous

Does food rule your life? Do you worry about the way you eat? You may be a Compulsive Eater. Overeaters Anonymous can help. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. Come to the Newcomer Meeting and learn about the 12 step program of recovery in an informal, confidential environment. No preregistration-just show up to learn more. Also, there are 9 weekly OA meetings in our region, call for locations and times.

Cost: Free

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Sat. Jan. 26, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Sat. Mar. 23, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Sat. May. 25, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Sat. Jul. 27, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Sat. Sep. 28, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Sat. Nov. 23, 2019   8:30-9:25am

Our Savior's Lutheran Church
4831 Grand Ave.
Duluth, MN 55807

For More Information
 Tamra Anderson