Zoo Animal + Tarlton

This Saturday at Beaner’s Central in West Duluth there will be a show featuring two tremendously solid acts out of Minneapolis. Zoo Animal has been is known for their “minimalist, 90s grunge” sound that “vacillates between gentle and aggressive, volatile and peaceful, light and dark. It’s graceful, hushed, soul-stirring music, yet it rests atop traditional rock instrumentation.” The group is fronted by Holly Newsom on guitar and vocals.

Tarlton features the experienced musician/drummer Brett Bullion. Bullion has worked and collaborated with a variety of Minneapolis acts scene such as Heiruspecs and members of Halloween, Alaska. Bullion’s act is unique in how he primarily plays drums and sings and utilizes electronic elements to fill out his sound. Bullion will be backed by Jeff Sundquist on bass. The two will be backing Newsome as Zoo Animal.

This show in the Twin Ports is the last date for these group’s two week long Mid-West tour. The show will have an $8 cover, is all ages and starts after 7 p.m.

Wussow's Concert Cafe
324 N. Central Ave.
Duluth, MN

For More Information