Letters: Jan. 30, 2025
The death of decency in the GOP
A few weeks ago, Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, died at age 100. He only served one term, and his presidency was a mixed bag of success and failure. But regardless what anyone thinks of Carter’s politics or his actions in the White House, there are few who would deny that he was a good and decent man.
On the 20th of January 2025, a very different kind of person took the oath of office. As a human being, Donald Trump is about as different from Jimmy Carter as could be imagined. He is, without exception, the most indecent man to ever serve in the office once held not only by Carter, but by the likes of Washington, Lincoln and FDR — all of them honorable men.
In an absurdly farcical moment, Trump swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States — a document that hundreds of thousands have laid down their lives to preserve, and which Trump had already attempted to destroy on January 6, 2021. His assault on the Constitution quickly resumed, as, in one of his first executive orders, he attacked the Fourteenth Amendment.
This is indecent.
Of course, Trump is indecent in other ways. The self-described p**** grabber has been adjudicated guilty in civil court of sexual assault and other felonies. He nominated another credibly accused sex offender, Fox “News” personality Pete Hegseth, to be Secretary of Defense. Hegseth, who is also a severe alcoholic and an admitted philanderer, has since been confirmed, with 50 GOP votes and the tie-breaking 51st coming from J.D. Vance.
What has happened to the party that once styled itself the party of “family values,” and even impeached President Clinton over an affair? Family values are out the window, apparently, as Republican elites fall over themselves to be first in line to kiss Trump’s ring, and as his supporters make endless excuses to justify his most appalling behavior.
It appears that decency is dead for the GOP.
Brian Vroman
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Judge, jury and bias
Recently I’ve been receiving angry and accusatory letters from someone who knows very little about what I believe. He calls me an atheist, so it might surprise him to understand that I am not. I love the four gospels in the New Testament and I feel that Jesus is a divine being who completely overcame human ego. However, I do not condemn atheists, because in America we all have the right to believe what we cherish, as many atheists do. They believe it is up to all of us to make this a better world by using reason and compassion to help others. So why is that so hard to believe? Maybe many people of fundamentalist faiths have disdain for anyone who follows their (own) conscience, instead of (theirs)?
Ordinary people are often able to summon moral bravery and inspire social awareness, as they actively oppose dictators and Autocrats. But faith in the basic goodness of man is not something that is accepted (by all fundamentalists)--instead, they disregard ordinary human beings who try to make this world a better and more compassionate place by supporting ethical values that thrive on dangerous doses of dogma. But (they) are truly (not) our enemies)!
So, If you are a member of a fundamentalist faith, or are a Buddhist, a Muslim, or even a Mormon, etc. That’s all up to you, I don’t care what you choose to believe, but when a mob of biased religious fanatics, Neo-Nazis, Proud-boys and White Nationalists violently riot, crushing police officers and spraying their eyes with chemicals much stronger than tear gas, while storming through the Capitol carrying signs reading, “Hang Mike Pence!” as well as having plastic hand ties, ready to kidnap Nancy Pelosi with, then all that happened that day becomes very, very, very significant, to all of us who witnessed those horrific criminal actions being committed on January 6, 2021
The critic who wants to “correct” my thinking, also loves to call me a communist while writing accusations on envelopes with black, and blood-red ink, apparently to issue biblical warnings to “unenlightened” sinners – but guess what? He’s wrong! I have never even attended a communist meeting. But as someone who doesn’t use the First Amendment to hide behind, I will not condemn anyone for being interested in checking out any group that they are curious about – including those who are curious enough to attend the services of fundamentalist religions!
Freedom of religion is not the idea that your faith, or mine, should be established as anyone’s one true government religion. The government has not closed the doors of your church or mine—right? Can’t you understand how quickly Democracy would crumble if the First Amendment didn’t separate Church and State?
What I learned about communism, came from my Sophomore Political Philosophy class. And if anyone wants to be a protestant, catholic, an evangelical, etc. the 1st amendment already defends your right to make those choices! Although, I believe that the ideals of communism (were designed to establish human equality), Marx also recognized the worth and social stability that a Church offers its community. And genuine communist revolutions (are never carried out to destroy the importance of anyone’s family)?—they are intended to eliminate a repressive bourgeois society, that controls all of its wealth. That being said, there has never been a genuine communist State in this world. MAO, LENIN, STALIN, KIM JONG UN, And now DONALD TRUMP, want to run this world completely their way. Kim is conceived of as a God by his minions, and now Trump seems to be competing for that same lofty position.
Doctors who do gender-transitioning surgeries are (NOT) Science deniers! They’re highly educated, and for many years have performed transitioning surgeries (after receiving permission from all who are concerned)! So listen up! Transitioning surgeries (are never done by Doctors to appease greedy parents). So, why the contrary accusations?--perhaps Trumpers have little faith in the minds of ordinary people as they seek political power.
George Orwell’s “doublespeak” is a literary device that helps deliver a cautionary tale about what could happen if any politically motivated society becomes ruled by all-powerful leaders. But has my anonymous critic even read 1984, or Animal Farm? Orwell intended to make us aware that, if we were completely controlled by power-hungry Oligarchs —via complicit religions, and cooperative power men, We would not be free to think, or live the private lives we want. So MAGA minions rejoice! If you use politics to deliberately deny pesky facts, then help establish Charter schools and hire your private tutors! End of story!
Peter W. Johnson
Superior, Wisconsin