Dumb politicians Series #16

Reader Contributing Staff 

The stupendously dumb Wisconsin Senator Ronald Johnson.


A “radical leftist” wedding day
Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson is attacking VP candidate Tim Walz for his wedding day. Johnson said it is “a red flag that the ‘radical leftist’ got married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.” 

Tim, and his wife Gwen, got married in 1994. The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in China were a democracy movement. The Chinese people were protesting against the Chinese communist regime! 
One wonders how Republicans can even dream up this stupid stuff. Walz, having visited and taught English in China, might have wanted to honor that day. But 30 years later it is obviously not an issue. 
But Republicans never miss a chance to whip up a good-old-all-American “red scare.” And Ronald “MacDonald” Johnson’s buffoonery can’t be helped. 

According to the egregiously dumb Johnson, Gov. Walz  should be investigated for his close ties to China.
Speaking on Faux News (you know the one), Johnson said “He’s gone to China. He’s taught in China. He’s got deep connections to China.” 

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) had an even more absurd comment. He said, “It’s very possible that China would be grooming an up and coming rising star in the political process to try to have a foothold in our government.” Rep. Jim Bob needs to get a grip! 

When Walz was 25 and a new college graduate, he taught English and American history in a Chinese high school (1989-90). Waltz and his wife Gwen (also a teacher) later organized summer trips to China for American high school students. Walz was a visiting lecturer at the Macau Polytechnic University in China prior to 2007. 

In 2014, speaking about his early experiences in China, Walz said, “It was my belief at that time that diplomacy was going to happen on many levels, certainly people to people... the 
opportunity to be in a Chinese high school at that critical time seemed to me to be really important.”
Tim and Gwen Waltz should be praised – not attacked – for their civic-minded efforts to promote peace and understanding between the people of our country and China.  

The real significance of Gov. Waltz’s experiences is that he actually knows something about China. In sharp contrast to the ignorance of Donald Trump, JD Vance, Ron Johnson and Tom Tiffany, Walz has real world experience in China. As VP this might result in avoiding a disastrous war with China. 
This is definitely something that needs to be investigated before – OMG – peace breaks out.   

Republicans want Trump 
to stop being Trump
Some Republicans are worried Trump’s propensity for hoof-in-mouth disease will cost them the election. Nikki Haley on Faux News (you know the one), said Trump’s “campaign is not going to win, talking about crowd sizes. It’s not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is, it’s not going to win talking about whether she’s dumb.” 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), is urging Trump to tone down his “showman” rhetoric at rallies and talk about issues. He said, “Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election.” 
The Donald, however, never misses a chance to say something stupid. Reacting to Harris making the cover of Time magazine he said, “I am much better looking than her. I’m a better-looking person than Kamala.” 

“I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy”
The gelatinous nature of modern-day Republicans will be a constant reminder to our descendants that many in the early 21st century missed a few rungs on the evolutionary ladder. For example, some pointed comments from idiot Trump’s sad alien sidekick:

“I’m a ‘Never Trump’ guy,” presumptive GOP Vice President J. D. Vance said about his master in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016. “I never liked him.”

Trump could be “America’s Hitler,” or maybe a “cynical asshole like Nixon,” Vance wrote in messages to former Yale Law School classmate Josh McLaurin, now a Democratic state senator in Georgia.
“I can’t stomach Trump,” Vance said in an interview with NPR. “I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.”

As you fade away with your stinky pal, SENATOR Vance, you should know history will have much fun with you. 

By the way, what does JD stand for. Just Dumb? What a maroon! 

Editor’s note: This should have happened years ago, but from now on in the Reader, Fox “News” is Faux News. Pity those who get their information from that source of dimwitted propaganda.