Another choice: Matriarch or patriarch?

Ed Raymond

Right wing white nationalist nut job Charlie Kirk.

Men have created Hell on Earth – 
let’s try women for a while
Death Valley, California, just set a modern-day 24-hour record of an average temperature of 108.5F with the highest daily rate of 129.2F. Humans cannot survive more than 125F because we can no longer perspire to relieve body heat. 

Antarctica is about 50F above normal this year. If all of the glaciers on Antarctica melted, the seas would rise about 230 feet. There are 195 countries in the United Nations, including the all-male Vatican and the so-called State of Palestine. Only 28 are led by women. 

Most of the male leaders fail to recognize or are too unscientific and dumb – or too greedy – that 8 billion people are facing a deadly climate change that affects everyone and everything on earth. Many will die from the “hoax.”

Forum columnists Scott Hennen, Gary Emineth, Mike Hulett, and Bette Grande have been expressing their love for their Dear Leader. In fact, Gary wrote “My whole family loves Donald Trump. They like his ideas.” Scott waxed poetic when he described the Trump family at the last night of the Republican Convention. “The Donald loved his children and grandchildren so much,” and so on and so on. I noticed they loved him so much, almost the entire group left granddaddy and daddy when he was mumbling halfway through his 93-minute boring diatribe.

In Emineth’s column “Common sense guides the MAGA faithful” he writes: “Charlie Kirk’s ‘The MAGA Doctrine’ lays out, Trumpism represents an overdue restoration of self-rule by people long taken for granted by their ruler. When you put it that way it makes sense to me.” That is, common sense. The following represents the “common sense” expressed by Charlie Kirk in the last few years.

Is the MAGA Doctrine common sense or nonsense?
Kirk was banned from Twitter for claiming that hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, had been “100% effective in fighting COVID-19” after the FDA reported that six trials had failed to prove it helped at all. He also claimed that Governor Gretchen Whitmer had threatened to sue medical doctors who attempted to use the drug anyway. He claimed China was burning virus patients but had no proof. He refused to wear masks, use social distancing, or to be vaccinated during the pandemic because the science was very questionable. He came up with the weird idea Democrats used social distancing rules as a plot against Christianity. Gee, his common sense hurts! 

Because of leaders like Trump and Kirk, the Divided States of America had the highest rate of death per 100,000 persons from COVID in the industrialized world, and red states had a much higher rate of deaths per 100,000 than blue states. The MAGA Doctrine strikes again! 

Say, Gary and Charlie, what are the “GREAT YEARS” you want to return to while saving America from progressive laws? I have asked MAGA cult members for years and can’t get an answer. Can’t seem to get just one year named! 

And, did you really tell Tucker Carlson on Fox Lies that requiring students to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and other diseases was “medical apartheid?” Can you imagine what other things Franklin Delano Roosevelt could have accomplished if he hadn’t been handicapped by polio? Do you know anyone who has suffered from measles, polio, whooping cough, chicken pox, flu, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, mumps, and has been protected by other special vaccines if needed.

A few proverbs and commandments from the Trump Bible and doctrine
In May of 2021 Kirk tweeted parents should protest the teaching of critical race theory to K-12 students. Any courses involving critical race theory are limited to university-level history classes. It has never been used in middle or high school—and never will be. Real history will be taught. This was political false flag waved and raised by Trumplicans to draft parents to their book-banning and other culture wars.

Kirk led a Stop the Steal protest at the Maricopa Tabulation Center in Phoenix after the election, promoted false and nutty claims of fraud in the election. Charlie helped Rudy Guiliani’s Stop the Steal plan which ended with 60 lost legal cases and Rudy’s self-destruction, bankruptcies and the loss of his title as “America’s Mayor.”       

On the day before Trump’s INSURRECTION on January 6, Kirk announced on Twitter his organizations Turning Point Action and Students for Trump were sending more than 80 buses to participate in the insurrection and the storming of the capitol. His groups ended up sending just seven buses and 350 students. He also announced on Twitter that he was getting 500 e-mails a minute calling for a civil war. He convinced Judi Fancelli, heiress of 1,500 Publix grocery stores mainly in the deep South, to give him $1.25 million to fund the buses. He later tried to convince skeptics that mainstream Trumpers were not involved in the insurrection.

In October 2021, Charlie said on his podcast: “Democrats want Americans to live where there is no cultural identity, where you live in sexual anarchy, where private property is a thing of the past, and the ruling class controls everything.” Actually, he is describing Trumpistan policies.

Kirk: “The “biblical model” for women to pursue in romantic relationships is a partner who is a protector and leader. Parents should never let daughters receive prescriptions for birth control medication for any reason.

General Michael Flynn, former Trump national security adviser, is now promoting a real estate firm called MAGA Realty that buys and sells only for MAGA believers. He presents new home buyers with a 25 ft. flagpole to fly Trump flags and an AR-15 “to make liberal heads explode.” 
Is that part of MAGA doctrine?

Why don’t we require all male homo sapiens to study elephant families?
It’s fascinating that elephant researchers have discovered that elephants have names and that they call and talk to one another. We don’t know the content of conversations yet, but one can hope we will find the keys to their language. 
Some form of elephant has been around for 60 million years and has evolved to three  types: African Savanna, African Forest and Asian. They have been around for about 1-1/2 million years. Some form of human has been around for about 4 million years and have evolved to just one type, Homo sapiens about 300,000 years ago. Both were residents of Africa until Homo sapiens decided to see the earth about 65,000 years ago.

My big question is: why do elephant families have a matriarchal leader and homo sapiens have a patriarchal “husband? Elephants value herds and families because they have very complex social and emotional behavior we don’t fully understand yet. It seems as if female elephants grudgingly agree to mate and then tell the cavorting male to “get the hell out of our way.” 

So, the bulls run away to try and find another female they can seduce. Older and more experienced females lead the herd and family. A family usually consists of a mother, her sisters, daughters and sons from other females. Elephant families can be as small as 3 and as large as 25. Depending upon the availability of food and water, sometimes elephants form clans that may contain 500 to 1,000 elephants. They may gather around large watering holes and plants after the annual rains. A family of female elephants look after all the calves and babysit constantly. Younger females learn how to take care of calves while watching mothers babysit.

Family life creates strong, intimate bonds between family members that may last for 70 years and a lifetime. Mother elephants grieve over dead calves, sometimes leaving the herd for many days. When herds have to travel many miles to waterholes and food, they walk in a single file so babies don’t get lost. Some hang on to their mother’s tail, and others are spaced out in line so they can be protected from predators.

Adult males live nomadic and often solitary lives while those about 15 years old or more will live in small herds – like human gangs. The strongest and most experienced males lead bachelor lives until sex overrules and they leave the male herd to find mates to their satisfaction. Both male and female herds and families separate when water and food become scarce, but they still communicate by rumbling calls that can be heard for miles if the wind is right.
Trump’s MAGA wants women to wear MWWA caps
When we compare the leadership of women in Germany, New Zealand, Israel, England, Philippines, India, Norway, Taiwan and Switzerland to times when those countries were led by men, we would have to agree that the women did a better, cleaner job in many phases. But Trumplicans are running on a platform that enrolls women MAGA cult members in the MWWA, (Make Women Weak Again) as they were back in the 18th century. 

As an example, in 1741, Hester Lynch of Wales married Henry Thrale at age 22 when he was a wealthy brewery owner. She was known as a witty, lively, affectionate, resilient young woman. They settled on a huge estate near London where she established friendships which helped her husband a lot when he got into the politics of the age. She hosted dinners for the elite from London and even advised him on his running of the beer business. 

During her marriage to him she had 15 pregnancies, 12 live births, and only 4 children who survived to adulthood. She wrote about the difficulties involved in the birth of her first child: three days of very hard labor, her attending physician, who knew virtually nothing about childbirth, told her: “It is a Lady, Madam: destined to bear what you are this moment freed from.” 

She went on to have 14 more pregnancies in 16 years. She was often nursing a child at the breast while nursing a sick child in bed who was treated by the medicine of the day: bleedings, blistering, and purging. Childbirth at that time could be a very dangerous and deadly experience because it was before obstetrics and anesthesia.

Irish writer and historian Susannah Gibson wrote a book titled The Blue Stockings: A History of the First Women’s Movement which covered the growth of intellectualism among English women who” studied, translated languages, wrote books and articles, and hosted women and men for intellectual conversations. Margaret Talbot of The New Yorker wrote a review of the book in the June 22, 2024, edition titled “Sex and Sensibility: The Rise and Fall of the Bluestockings” which examines the trial and tribulations of 18th century women who earned that title from a guy who wore blue stockings.

Let’s remember that women wrote the better of great English novels in the 18th century. That Ben Franklin thought that Catharine Macaulay wrote the best books about English history. That Elizabeth Carter, while taking care of her very sick father, learned Greek, Latin, Italian, German and Spanish. and she wanted to learn Arabic, but there were no instructional books. There is plenty of evidence that women can run the herd, the family, the country and the world better than men.