Letters: July 18, 2024

Time to abolish the 2nd Amendment

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
This is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It was written in 1787 as our founding fathers deliberated over what to include in the document. In the early days of the republic there was an uneasiness about maintaining a standing army. Not only would it be expensive bit an army could easily overwhelm the new republic, if it wished. Their answers waw militias, ordinary citizens who, in case of an emergency, would come together to defeat invaders. This is what happened in the Battle of New Orleans in the war of 1812. A militia was formed that defeated the British invading army. In other battles the militias did not fare too well. The U.S. Capital and White House were burned to the ground during this war.

The intention of the amendment was that populations be protected from danger. To have a militia means citizens had to own a musket to be ready once they were called up. Since we now have professional armed forces, militias are out of date. It seems to me that the amendment should be abolished as it is no longer needed.

The fact that it is now used to allow anyone and everyone to carry military-style weapons is a myth perpetuated by gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association. I didn’t understand why our courts have allowed it. I am not an attorney or a constitutional scholar. I just have questions. I would appreciate it if people in the legal profession could explain why this is so. Allowing thousands of people to die every year because of an outdated amendment makes no sense.

Carl Doersch
Ashland, Wisconsin

We are Americans first
 As you have heard, an assassination attempt was made on former President Trump on Saturday at his campaign rally in Pennsylvania. By the grace of God, President Trump survived. However, two bystanders are still in critical condition, and one has died. I am praying for their families as they navigate this difficult time.

Currently, law enforcement agencies are investigating the assassination attempt. I expect them to conclude their investigation swiftly and with the backing of the entire government.
There are many reports and stories of what did or did not happen, yet we still do not have all the facts. I am confident that Chairman James Comer and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will conduct the necessary oversight to get the American people the answers they deserve.
In recent years, the rhetoric of political vitriol has escalated, and along with it, the violence. In 2017, Republican lawmakers were targeted during a baseball practice. In the summer of 2020, 574 riots burnt down and destroyed our communities. Now, we have witnessed an assassination attempt on the former President of the United States. 

It is incumbent on all political leaders in this country to take accountability for their words and recognize that their behavior has consequences. Both parties must lead by example and stop fueling hatred and division. I hope in the coming days that the Biden Administration and Democrats reflect on their demonization of former President Trump and fully commit to their recent appeals for unity. 

In dark times like this, we must remember that we are all Americans first. Our country must unite to defeat violent actions and ideologies like the one we witnessed over the weekend. We will rise above this and come back stronger than ever.
Congressman Pete Stauber