Letters: Oct. 26, 2023

Stauber's Trump support is sad and shameful  

Throughout his political career, Representative Pete Stauber has presented himself as a champion of the rule of law. His campaign materials emphasize his experience as a police officer, and he speaks frequently on the need to support law enforcement. In his office, he displays uniform patches from police departments around the 8th Congressional District. 

However, the reality of Congressman Stauber’s relationship to the rule of law is problematic. He behaves as if the rule of law does not apply equally to all Americans. This is most flagrantly on display in his allegiance to Donald Trump, whose contempt for the rule of law is legendary. 

Throughout his career, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he does not believe that laws (or any codes of conduct) apply to him. His multiple indictments over the last two years were preceded by multiple bankruptcies (6), multiple lawsuits (more than 4000), multiple divorces (2), and even multiple impeachments (2). 

Why would someone supporting the rule of law see Donald Trump as a leader and role model? In fact, Stauber’s support for Trump is inexplicable if one takes his [Stauber’s] commitment to law enforcement seriously. This is not just a case of political convenience for Stauber; it represents a violation of … perhaps contempt for … the very principles that he has espoused over 30 years of public life. Of course, in our system of justice, one is innocent until proven guilty. 

Fair enough. However, if one is serious about the rule of law, when confronted with allegations of criminal activity, supported by formal indictments, one advocates for the collection and weighing of evidence, the deliberation of the courts, and the determination of guilt or innocence based on the facts. 

One does NOT take preemptive positions asserting guilt or innocence. Perhaps most tellingly, if one actually supports law enforcement (such as during the January 6th insurrection), one is unambiguously on the side of the police officers instead of the criminals. Pete Stauber was not.  We need a congressional representative who truly understands and supports the rule of law.

Charles GessertDuluth, Minnesota  

Sad & Shameful  

I already drafted out 1-2 letters on timely topics but the events in Israel on Oct. 7th compelled me to write a new letter. It is very sad about the atrocities committed by Hamas. I will not list all of these atrocities as it is difficult to even write the details. However, I will list all of the shameful activities here in America since the war started.

The “Squad” (including Minnesota’s antisemitic, Omar) on the next day instructed Israel to cease fire. That is very shameful.

Next, the BLM group did many pro-Hamas activities supporting the killing of Jews. Shameful.

Then our woke universities (Harvard, Hunter, UPenn, etc.) held many protests supporting Hamas. One professor even gave extra credit to students protesting against Israel. Shameful.

Probably the most disgusting shameful activities is that the Biden administration (Blinkin, Kirby, Sullivan, Austin, etc.) denying that Iran was involved. The entire world knows Iran is behind Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups to destroy Israel.

Trump had a very effective policy for the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, many sanctions on Iran, the nuclear deterrents on Iran, etc. Guess what? Biden eliminated all of those policies and with his $6 Billion gift to pay for our hostages, he is also supporting the Israel war It is very sad and extremely shameful. 

Update: the Squad, CNN, NY Times now blame Israel for the hospital bombing which is wrong and beyond shameful.

Chuck BrackenCannon Falls, Minnesota


 Joe Biden’s joined-at-the-hip unapologetic devotion to the state of Israel is well known, but the reasons for it are very likely not the ones he gives. What Biden and all previous administrations have in common – even those occasionally mildly critical of Israel – is their primary commitment to the preservation and extension of US power. Israel’s linchpin status in the Middle East as an outpost of US power was summarized by Al Haig’s quip that Israel was Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk (Alexander Haig - Wikiquote). The critical role of Israel to the US empire requires that certain myths be perpetuated. The primary one is the stated goal of a “two-state solution” as the “path to peace.”

The two-state solution of course has long been made Impossible due to Israel’s continuous settlement expansion on Palestinian land. But mouthing this mantra allows the US to maintain its Israeli military outpost in the region as it allows Israel to pursue ethnic cleansing while both kick the can of Palestinian rights further down the road. If and when usual Palestinian non-violent resistance explodes into violence it is met with overwhelming force with US-made weapons. The current episode is just the latest in this long cycle of death and violence. The only really viable path to peace would be the establishment of a single secular state based on equal individual rights for all Palestinians and Jews.

If Biden and Blinken really want two states it will be up to them to stop the endless flow of US weapons and money to Israel, force the dismantling of settlements, and end the Occupation of all Palestinian land. The first step must be a call for an immediate ceasefire, which they have repeatedly rejected. State Department officer Josh Paul recently resigned in response to Biden/Blinken policy, which he described as “an impulsive reaction built on confirmation bias, political convenience, intellectual bankruptcy, and bureaucratic inertia,” (Josh Paul: State Department official resigns over Biden administration’s handling of Israel-Hamas conflict | CNN Politics)

Can it be that there is but one honest courageous government official Washington?

Robert KosuthDuluth, Minnesota

Dragging his ball and chain

When Trump appeared on the scene and triumphed, the problems accelerated quickly. An opportunist with a savvy business instinct he ignored any obligations he committed to uphold. He demanded exposure and adulation of his audience. His misdeeds are too many to dwell on, but he is now dragging a ball and chain and justice might be served. His dreaded fear is a empty auditorium where the mike and camera are turned off.

Gerald NorrgardDuluth, Minnesota

 What Jenna Ellis said at her plea hearing

 In brief comments delivered during her court appearance, “Ellis said that she relied on other lawyers with more experience to provide her with “true and reliable information,” but should have ensured the information she was receiving was accurate.” I rest my case.

Raymond PayneDuluth, Minnesota