Letters: Sept. 7, 2023

Remember the 'fuel farm'

Aaron Brown's recent article (Aug. 31 Reader) should have one thinking about our future living and working in the North Woods. In light of the Lahaina Fire in Hawaii, one should not get too complacent with our water bombers coming at the last minute to save the day.  Yes, our water bombers and road network will reduce the chances of a major fire getting out of hand but as one just saw in Hawaii, a small 'contained' fire erupted into a deadly fire in a matter of minutes even though there were firefighters on the scene.  

Keep in mind, the 1918 Cloquet-Moose Lake Fire happened in October.  As we head into September, we are in the middle of extreme drought conditions for parts of the Lake Superior region so we are not out of the woods yet. (pardon the pun) Given we have more homes and cabins scattered across Northern Minnesota today, there is a much greater potential for loss of life and property.  

For all of us who live and work in the North Woods, keep in mind you are living and working in a "fuel farm."  When the conditions are ripe, it can erupt into a fast moving wall of fire.  It is not a matter of 'if' a fire will occur, it is a matter of 'when'!  

Brian Huberty, President, Minnesota Forestry Association - (MFA)    

Do something with Nettleton School

Every time I see the lights on at the old Nettleton School that the school district hasn't sold yet I wonder how much it's costing the tax payers to pay to heat it and the electricity Just because they are picky on who they are going to sell it to.  It's been sitting vacant for years and even though they've had offers for it they say no due to compitition in the mean time we have to pay for it's up keep plus longer it sits vacant  more they loose value for it.  It's just like new Central they right from the start offers for it at it's full value but they refused to sell when they finally did they only got partially what it was in the begining and also had to pay to demolish it and us tax  payers had to pay for its up keep so. Now they are talking about raising taxes for us instead  of doing that sell Nettleton for the money.

Cecilia Hill – Duluth, Minnesota

How about school supplies instead of candy

Just a thought. School teachers need student supplies every year that our taxes do not pay for. Every year in July and August there are numerous parades that shower kids with tons of candy many times that go unused. Why not have each parade participant get in touch with their schools and acquire a list of items they need and hand those out instead? More than one fire truck, police car, ambulance, business float could divide up the items (say pencils, back packs, crayons etc) so that more than one entity is suppling what is needed. This would be healthier and help the teachers cut down on their costs out of pocket.  I saw one group in Bovey, MN, on Labor Day handing out pencils and this is where I got this idea.

Brian Carlson – Grand Rapids, Minnesota  

Another confused and misinformed Trumplican

The  August 24th  diatribe letters against President Trump had a right to speak  so Trumps' supporters should also have a whole page to defend  those false accusations  and denying Trump the right  to use his Constituional Rights  to prove himself, as we all do. President Trump has plenty of evidence of Election Fraud of 2020 which the Activist Democrats are  preventing him to prove by controlling the Judges which is illegal , and ,obviously, proves they know President Trump is right .  Judges aren"t supposed to be partison and just seek the truth for all Americans.   The Democrats call President Trump a "Liar" yet  the Judges forbid Trump to prove himself. Also, how did  such a confused  President Biden even make it past his first debate and still won  without some kind of fraud? It's very  obvious someone else is controlling  Biden and having gotten away with it  in 2020 they are ,again, openly interfering  in the 2024 election by trying to  keep President Trump from running. President Biden is too confused to know he is even running  which needs to be investigated as ELDER ABUSE and FORCING  CONFUSED  Joe ,very likely against his will/knowledge , being deception and illegal and obviously intent on tearing our country down since 2021.   The media has become Judge and Jury which influences  many to take sides without  allowing evidence  in court. President Trump should sue for Character Assassination and being judged by  the media  instead of by  nonbiased judges.. Jesus said "watch out for those who deceive you".   Our Society has  become very unforgiving  and revengeful .Jesus said on the cross to his killers"forgive them for they know not what they do".The Anti Trumpers show more hate than simply disagreement which also feeds distrust of Democrats as to their motives. Jesus said "Those without sin throw the first stone" Rosemarie Mitchell – Duluth, Minnesota