The Menace of the Military Mind
Because of some problem with my computer, the column that I was just finishing up this afternoon crashed and disappeared and I was unable to retrieve it. Therefore I submit the following Chris Hedges TruthDig column from a couple of years ago that I appreciated. Chris won’t object to my using it as an emergency substitute. His weekly TruthDig columns are always deeply insightful and provocative, and I hope my readers occasionally go online to read him. GGK
I had my first experience with the U.S. military when I was a young reporter covering the civil war in El Salvador. We journalists were briefed at the American Embassy each week by a U.S. Army colonel who at the time headed the military group of U.S. advisers to the Salvadoran army. The reality of the war, which lasted from 1979 to 1992, bore little resemblance to the description regurgitated each week for consumption by the press. But what was most evident was not the blatant misinformation—this particular colonel had apparently learned to dissemble to the public during his multiple tours in Vietnam—but the hatred of the press by this man and most other senior officers in the U.S. military. When first told that he would have to meet the press once a week, the colonel reportedly protested against having to waste his time with those “limp-dicked communists.”
For the next 20 years I would go on from war zone to war zone as a foreign correspondent immersed in military culture. Repetitive rote learning and an insistence on blind obedience—similar to the approach used to train a dog—work on the battlefield. The military exerts nearly total control over the lives of its members. Its long-established hierarchy ensures that those who embrace the approved modes of behavior rise and those who do not are belittled, insulted and hazed. Many of the marks of civilian life are stripped away. Personal modes of dress, hairstyle, speech and behavior are heavily regulated. Individuality is physically and then psychologically crushed. Aggressiveness is rewarded. Compassion is demeaned. Violence is the favorite form of communication. These qualities are an asset in war; they are a disaster in civil society.
Homer in “The Iliad” showed his understanding of war. His heroes are not pleasant men. They are vain, imperial, filled with rage and violent. And Homer’s central character in “The Odyssey,” Odysseus, in his journey home from war must learn to shed his “hero’s heart,” to strip from himself the military attributes that served him in war but threaten to doom him off the battlefield. The qualities that serve us in war defeat us in peace.
Most institutions have a propensity to promote mediocrities, those whose primary strengths are knowing where power lies, being subservient and obsequious to the centers of power and never letting morality get in the way of one’s career. The military is the worst in this respect. In the military, whether at the Parris Island boot camp or West Point, you are trained not to think but to obey. What amazes me about the military is how stupid and bovine its senior officers are. Those with brains and the willingness to use them seem to be pushed out long before they can rise to the senior-officer ranks. The many Army generals I met over the years not only lacked the most rudimentary creativity and independence of thought but nearly always saw the press, as well as an informed public, as impinging on their love of order, regimentation, unwavering obedience to authority and single-minded use of force to solve complex problems.
So when I heard James R. Clapper Jr., a retired Air Force lieutenant general and currently the federal government’s director of national intelligence, denounce Edward Snowden and his “accomplices”—meaning journalists such as Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras—before the Senate Intelligence Committee last [month] I was not surprised. Clapper charged, without offering any evidence, that the Snowden disclosures had caused “profound damage” and endangered American lives. And all who have aided Snowden are, it appears, guilty of treason in Clapper’s eyes.
Clapper and many others who have come out of the military discern no difference between terrorists and reporters, and by reporters I am not referring to the boot-licking courtiers on television and in Washington who masquerade as reporters. Carry out an interview with a member of al-Qaida, as I have, and you become in the eyes of generals like Clapper a member of al-Qaida. Most generals I know recognize no need for an independent press. The munchkins who dutifully sit through their press briefings or follow them around in preapproved press pools and publish their lies are the generals’ idea of journalism.
When I was in Central America the U.S. officers who were providing support to the military of El Salvador or Guatemala, along with help to the Contra forces then fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, did not distinguish between us journalists and the rebel forces or the leftist Sandinista government. We were one and the same. The reporters and photographers, often after a day or two of hiking to reach small villages, would report on massacres by the Salvadoran army, the Guatemalan army or the Contras. When the stories appeared, the U.S. officers usually would go volcanic. But their rage would be directed not at those who pulled the triggers but at those who wrote about the mass killings or photographed the bodies.
This is why, after Barack Obama signed into law Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act, which permits the U.S. military to seize U.S. citizens who “substantially support” al-Qaida, the Taliban or “associated forces,” to strip them of due process and to hold them indefinitely in military detention centers, I sued the president. I and my fellow plaintiffs won in U.S. District Court. When Obama appealed the ruling it was overturned. We are now trying to go to the Supreme Court. Section 1021 is a chilling reminder of what people like Clapper could do to destroy constitutional rights. They see no useful role for a free press, one that questions and challenges power, and are deeply hostile to its existence. I expect Clapper, if he has a free hand, to lock us up, just as the Egyptian military has arrested a number of Al-Jazeera journalists, including some Westerners, on terrorism-related charges. The military mind is amazingly uniform.
The U.S. military has won the ideological war. The nation sees human and social problems as military problems. To fight terrorists Americans have become terrorists. Peace is for the weak. War is for the strong. Hypermasculinity has triumphed over empathy. We Americans speak to the world exclusively in the language of force. And those who oversee our massive security and surveillance state seek to speak to us in the same demented language. All other viewpoints are to be shut out. “In the absence of contrasting views, the very highest form of propaganda warfare can be fought: the propaganda for a definition of reality within which only certain limited viewpoints are possible,” C. Wright Mills wrote. “What is being promulgated and reinforced is the military metaphysics—the cast of mind that defines international reality as basically military.”
This is why people like James Clapper and the bloated military and security and surveillance apparatus must not have unchecked power to conduct wholesale surveillance, to carry out extraordinary renditions ( and to imprison Americans indefinitely as terrorists. This is why the nation, as our political system remains mired in paralysis, must stop glorifying military values. In times of turmoil the military always seems to be a good alternative. It presents the facade of order. But order in the military, as the people of Egypt are now learning again, is akin to slavery. It is the order of a prison. And that is where Clapper and his fellow generals and intelligence chiefs would like to place any citizen who dares to question their unimpeded right to turn us all into mindless recruits. They have the power to make their demented dreams a reality. And it is our task to take this power from them.
As important as Hedges’ essay are these insightful comments from two TruthDig readers:
“’Stupid and bovine’ not only applies to our military leaders but to today’s citizens grazing in electronic fields all day unless they’re homeless in which case they’re soon too crazy in our modern, cheap, mental wards of the urban streets or in the country under the bridges.
“Even if there should be a great awakening the nation state is as dead as cabbages and kings. Trade agreements have usurped the power of the nation state. The nation states are now colonies of the big multinational corporations which are now bigger than the old colonial powers like France, Belgium, Holland, and Portugal. The big multinational corporations are more heartless and inhumane than any king or conqueror ever was and the cabbages are growing scarce and barely fit to eat after Monsanto grows them in the lab. The global system of capitalist imperialism that has murdered so many millions of people and polluted so much of the planet has come home to the U.S. What goes around comes around. The worldwide military security industrial system manufactures the pepper spray, the tear gas, the helicopters, the drones, the riot gear, the assault weapons, the bioweapons, and the nuclear weapons that enable the multinational corporations to obtain the coltan to produce the widescreens, videocams, laptops and cell phones for the electronic circus that distracts and dulls the masses worldwide.
“Before technology shrunk the globe the U.S. created a large middle class thanks to its labor movement. For awhile, in the middle of the twentieth century, the U.S. differed by providing a higher standard of living and more material goods to some but not generally to the first native people, people of color, or the poor. Those days are gone forever. The U.S. corporations have been swallowed up and merged into the big multinationals that are too big to fail or be challenged. In order to comply with the competitive demands of the multinationals that fund, own, and control it, the U.S. government has had to outsource jobs, deregulate and then bail out the banks and Wall Street, destroy unions and the middle class, slash social programs, and continue to turn the U.S. into a banana republic as it has done to so many other countries.
“The multinational corporations and the international banks used the U.S. as long as it was useful but will squeeze every last drop of blood out of it and the world, as they always must, for greater profit or else fail. They don’t particularly need the U.S. or any nation. This is why trade agreements will make fracking and other ecological destructive operations mandatory by suing and winning, in secret international courts of their own, huge fines which will force compliance. They don’t care if the U.S. becomes an industrial wasteland or even if they destroy the human race. Profit is their hubris. The U.S. and the government of any nation state now operates with a gun held to its head by the multinationals.
“And the multinational corporations and banks now hold a gun to each of our heads. Even if heroes such as Chris Hedges successfully challenge a nation state and win it will only be a momentary reprieve. The U.S. Supreme Court and the world courts are no match for the will of the multinationals who are installing a world wide gulag under a system of feudal low wage slavery.
“The only hope is that the multinationals will collapse before they destroy the human race. The only good news is that everyone is predicting a big worldwide economic collapse soon. The only question is who will pick up and do what with the pieces. Will we ever come out of the dark?”