What if the 9/11 Whistle-Blowers are Speaking the Truth?
Today (the day after 9-11-2017) I received an email message about my last Duty to Warn column about 9/11 that he had just read the day before. It simply said:
“Gary, if what you and Dr Fetzer say is true, aren’t you afraid of being ‘taken out’? I’d like to see a list of important 9/11 people that have been silenced.”
The day before was the16th anniversary of 9/11, and the talking heads of the major media were obediently repeating the long-disproved myths about “the attacks” on 9/11. The blinded and appropriately solemn talking heads were dutifully mouthing officialdom’s pronouncements about the 3,000 innocents that were killed by those “attacks” on the Twin Towers. However, the increasingly large number of the population of the world that has seen the evidence disproving the conspiracy theories of the Cheney/Bush White House saw through the solemnities, particularly noting the fact that without the sudden, unexpected, explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers, none of the 300+ NYFD firefighters would have died and most of the other 2,500+ victims who hadn’t been killed initially by the two fireballs and subsequent brief fires would not have died. Most of those that died on 9/11/01 were killed by the demolitions and not because of any theoretical Muslim hi-jacker from Saudi Arabia.
On 9/11/17, I received this email:
“Dr Kohls, I read your article (on the 9/11 Crime and Cover-up) and you are pretty much correct in your assessment. We have been fed a steady diet of lies and misdirection regarding what really happened.... and why. I watched a lot of web-documentaries over the weekend and I just shake my head. If you look at the impact site on the Pentagon alone you can't help but think that no plane ever hit there. That only leads to even more questions about the entire event. We still don't know and our Govt is quite unwilling to tell us what they know, simply pathetic....Best wishes.”
Below is the gist of my response to the first person who may have been concerned about my safety, although the tone of the second sentence suggested that if none of the 9/11 whistle-blowing expert truth-seekers had been “taken out”, their veracity was to be questioned. I don’t know.
The second writer has finally “gotten it” and needs no more data that what was revealed by last week’s Duty to Warn column and the documentaries he watched on YouTube. (I should mention at this point that of the many re-publication of last week’s column that exist around the world, the best one is at: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2017/09/911-the-repression-of-dissent-and-the-16th-anniversary-of-the-crime-and-cover-up-of-the-century/.)
Here is the expanded version of my return letter to the first writer: “I hope that you have actually looked carefully at the voluminous evidence that Dr Fetzer and the hundreds of other truth-seeking scholars, scientists, authors and investigative journalists around the world have so convincingly presented. If you have done that research (and you are sufficiently open to new information that may contradict your previously deeply held beliefs) you are now on a new path. I sincerely hope you do something with your new knowledge and resist the urge to succumb to the inevitable cognitive dissonance and pressure to conform to the demands and denialism of some of your less enlightened friends and/or family.
“Yes, all whistleblowers are taking their chances when they try to ”save the world” from the ubiquitous powerful exploiters and predators (and their hangers-on) that continuously thinking of ways to extract for themselves the planet’s resources – even if it means that they start wars to gain access. In the process they seem to have no qualms about creating war refugees (in essence, cannibalizing humanity) or creating climate change refugees if those acts are necessary for them to ultimately gain control over the intended victim’s resources. Some mining companies are very willing to risk environmental catastrophes for downstream victims, if they can get away with it. Return on investment trumps ethics.
“You mention being “taken out”. I presume that you mean assassination. “Assassination and being “suicided” by an “accident” is just one of the many ways of being “silenced”. It appears that in America, literal assassinations have been reserved for high-profile whistle-blowers like JFK, MLK, RFK and Wellstone. “Taking out” an occasional anti-tyranny leader by murdering him or her is enough to chill the followers and send them nto hiding – for a time. “But times might have changed – I hope.
“For minor-league whistle-blowers like myself, the powers-that-be must regard black-listing and character assassination as just as effective as the more lethal tactics. For 9/11 whistle-blowers, being simply kept from attaining any press coverage from the mainstream press seems to be enough to keep the desired myths from being proven false. I can see why the rationale of using less than lethal silencing prevail. In addition, because the vast majority of voters and consumers (and even doctors, sad to say) get much of their (dis)-information by watching and listening to the corporate-controlled and government-monitored (and censored) mainstream media, the less intricate tactic of character assassination is usually chosen when a whistle-blower needs quieting.
“Tragically, the insiders that perpetrated the sudden explosive, pulverizing destruction of the three WTC towers on 9/11 (destructions that had nothing to do with planes or fires) are still in positions of power and seem to still be in charge of official propaganda and public relations in Washington DC. And so every September 11 we hear the endless repetition of the obvious lies that the Cheney/Bush White House started telling over and over again ever since 9/12/01. “That propaganda machine depends totally on the complicity of the corporate- and government-controlled mainstream press that can be counted on to obediently repeat the one of the biggest of history’s Big Lies. And of course they are obliged to refer to what happened on 9/11/91 as “the attacks on 9/11” rather than “the controlled demolitions on 9/11”, because the phrase “controlled demolitions” might raise some questions, even with those who haven’t been paying attention.
The Need to Support Alternative Media Outlets Like the Duluth Reader
“There still exist a few alternative newspapers and a number of online truth-seeking news sources that have true investigative journalists writing for them where corporations and governments have minimal power. The powers-that-be may regard those entities to be in such a tiny minority that they will not be able to out-weigh the influence of the mainstream media. Hopefully that is the reality and that there will continue to be a place of resistance to corporate and governmental tyranny – for awhile.
“However, sources of independent truth-telling like the Duluth Reader are in a tiny minority probably mainly because they don’t accept dirty advertising money from Big Business’s addictive products or services. Good for them. Perhaps the Reader’s journalists aren’t seen as a serious threat to the agendas of the wealthy ruling elites who will do almost anything to assure the increasing sales of their products in order to increase their power and wealth and their return on investment.
“In other words, the powers-that-be think that they have the majority of us where they want us without the need for arranging assassinations (so far) of minor players such as myself (beyond character assassination and by pestering by paid trolls, for example). That doesn’t mean that there aren’t back-up plans. Assassinations are not out of the realm of possibility by secretive Deep State entities, and some of them have been recently named by a number of whistle-blowing authors.
“Deep State entities have existed since governments have been formed; and that includes not just tyrannical right-wing military dictatorships or left-wing dictatorships, tyrannical Christian, Jewish or Islamic theocratic states, tyrannical monarchies, tyrannical capitalist states (like the US) or tyrannical communist states (like the USSR was). Such ruthless ruling elites probably try everything short of torture and assassination in their desire to silence and emasculate the whistle-blowers of their eras, such as Jesus of Nazareth, Gandhi, JFK, MLK and RFK before resorting to murder. Such dastardly acts are designed to frighten everybody with an ounce of sense to give up the causes they had been fighting for.
“The answer to your request “to see a list of important 9/11 people that have been silenced” is easy: It is “all of them”. As far as literal assassinations, I am not aware of any direct hits, but suspicious deaths do occur with whistle-blowers and the assassins aren’t bragging or even talking – because they know the consequences.
The Evidence that Paul Wellstone was Assassinated Because of 9/11?
“To my knowledge, the only person who might have been indirectly targeted because of 9/11 was Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone. He had expressed his grave concerns – on the US Senate floor - about using 9/11 as the pretext for going to war in Iraq during his 2002 campaign for re-election to the Senate (which he was winning handily at the time). The Cheney/Bush administration knew that Wellstone’s vote in early 2003 for going to war in Iraq was critical, and he had been admonished by Vice President Cheney to keep quiet about 9/11. (Watch the powerful documentary “Wellstone: They Killed Him” that comprehensively deals with the powerful evidence about both Wellstone’s death and the cover-up of the deed by federal bureaucrats in the FBI and the NTSB). The hand-picked Republican who then won the race obediently voted for invading Iraq in a vote that depended on whomever was the Minnesota Senator.
“To my knowledge, the only other suspicious death that could be related to 9/11 might be Michael Ruppert, the author of “Crossing the Rubicon” a book that methodically presented incriminating facts about 9/11 and named names of the probable actual perpetrators (note: they weren’t Muslims. Ruppert unexpectedly was found dead by a gunshot wound to the head in 2014. (See additional information about Ruppert at the end of this column.)
“100% of the scholars, scientists, journalists, engineers and architects that have proved the complete falsity of the White House official conspiracy theory about 911 have been silenced in one way or another, mainly be being black-listed by the press and the US Government. Just count how many of these expert researchers have been allowed mainstream media time to make their case on air. The answer is “none of them”. The same can be said about the thousands of whistle-blowers of the crimes and cover-ups of the Big Pharma and Big Vaccine and the cover-ups of the deaths and disabilities related to their oftentimes deadly products.
Who are the Corporate Paymasters?
“These whistle-blowers have all have been silenced, even though many of them have written great books on the subjects that they are so well-informed about and/or have given highly articulate, undeniably factual, very convincing lectures, speeches and seminars that presented unwelcome facts that convincingly exposes the ridiculous theories that the corporations and establishment elites are apparently sticking to. One only gets the truth about 9/11, psychiatric drugs and the toxic ingredients in infant vaccines from alternative sources that are not funded and therefore controlled by multinational corporations and government agencies like the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the White House, the US Congress, the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the AAP, etc. The question that must be asked is who are their paymasters – and are they the same entities?
“But the paymasters are being helped tremendously by the vast majority of the complacent and entertainment-addicted and drug-addicted US population, whose often involuntary tendency is to allow themselves to be mind-controlled by their need for 1) the addictive and artificial adrenalin rush from sex and violence on TV, professional sports-addictions, even the excitement of watching war or disaster coverage or being distracted by the highly addictive and time-consuming videogaming or engaging on exciting gambling devices like fantasy football, casino gambling, lotteries, scratch cards, etc; or 2) the addictive and artificial dopamine rushes (which also cause brain dopamine-depletions!) from natural non-synthetic substances like caffeine, nicotine, opium poppy products and cocaine or the legal, synthetic, brain-damaging - but highly profitable - excitotoxic dopamine-goosing (and also dopamine-depleting!) drugs that mess up the synapses like Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall, Strattera, Provigil, etc; or 3) the so-called serotonin-goosing (and also serotonin-depleting!) “antidepressant” (so-called) drugs like the highly profitable Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc; or 4) the artificial calming effects of the highly profitable and highly addictive benzodiazepine receptor agonist drugs like alcohol, Valium, Xanax, and every other “minor” tranquilizing/sleep-inducing/epilepsy/analgesia-enhancing drugs; or 5) the dependency-inducing “major” tranquilizer/anti-psychotic drugs that block the function of both serotonin and dopamine receptors (like the highly profitable Thorazine, Prolixin, Risperdal, Seroquel, Geodon, clozapine, etc) all of which can cause a state of emotional “deadness” – with a strong possibility of resulting in serious and even fatal withdrawal psychoses, agitation or insomnia.
“Those who are irretrievably addicted to legal or illicit substances or activities may want to resist tyranny, but it will be difficult to be maximally effective or committed to a cause. Those who think they are in control of the economy on Wall Street or are in control of international affairs and war-profiteering on War Street know that. They are not the common persons friend – unless they obediently do their assigned jobs, pay their assigned taxes and don’t resist.
“So, I appreciate your email and want to encourage you, when you are certain of any of the new facts that might have changed your beliefs, to join the whistle-blowers at some level. The more there are of us, the less chance there is for these ending up on the right side of history when we whistle-blowing underdogs come out on top. Gary _________________________________________________________ Two Addenda (600 words): Here is a brief synopsis from Amazon.com of Michael Ruppert’s “Crossing the Rubicon”: “The attacks of September 11, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies key suspects-finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government-by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks produced the desired result. “Crossing the Rubicon is unique not only for its case-breaking examination of 9/11, but for the breadth and depth of its world picture-an interdisciplinary analysis of petroleum, geopolitics, narco-traffic, intelligence and militarism-without which 9/11 cannot be understood. “The US manufacturing sector has been mostly replaced by speculation on financial data whose underlying economic reality is a dark secret. Hundreds of billions of dollars in laundered drug money flow through Wall Street each year from opium and coca fields maintained by CIA-sponsored warlords and US-backed covert paramilitary violence. America's global dominance depends on a continually turning mill of guns, drugs, oil and money. Oil and natural gas-the fuels that make economic growth possible-are subsidized by American military force and foreign lending. “In reality, 9/11 and the resulting "War on Terror" are parts of a massive authoritarian response to an emerging economic crisis of unprecedented scale. Peak Oil-the beginning of the end for our industrial civilization-is driving the elites of American power to implement unthinkably draconian measures of repression, warfare and population control. Crossing the Rubicon is more than a story. It is a map of the perilous terrain through which, together and alone, we are all now making our way.” And here is a concise 5 star comment on the book from one of Amazon’s customers:
“Mr. Ruppert went to great lengths to present the evidence, thoroughly footnoted, that the 'official' story regarding the horrendous events of 9/11 was just that, a story or more accurately a self-serving fable. He presents the evidence in the same way it would be presented to a court of law and doesn't meander into the what ifs or other claims for which there is either no evidence or what was evidence was quickly removed and/or contaminated making pursuit and documentation of both chain of custody as well as a legal investigation literally impossible. “So he sticks to what can be proven and for that reason alone this book should be considered required reading. I gave the book five stars for this very reason. “As a former law enforcement officer Mr. Ruppert is well versed in the trade craft of putting together a case that will withstand the scrutiny of a court proceeding. “We are now approaching a full twelve years since the horrible day in September 2001. Contaminated or missing evidence, over a decade of wars unrelated in the extreme to the events of 9/11, the deaths of victims of that day, the first responders who, if still alive, are suffering from horrible illnesses due directly to their role in the rescue efforts for which compensation is still being refused (unforgivable), deaths of witnesses, deaths and/or horrible injuries as a direct result of the two unrelated wars (to 9/11), the brushing aside of professional fire and explosive experts along with their governing document NFPA 921 while replacing these experts with people with zero experience in such investigations (ie NIST/FEMA) and a multitude of other crimes makes it, in my humble opinion, a must to read the accounting of the event document in Crossing the Rubicon. “I know there will be those that disagree but quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.”