Move over food trucks, here comes the food bike
Louis “Louie” Hanson, former manager at Duluth Grill is striking out on his own. Inspired by the success of the food truck craze, Hanson intends to take it to the next level. He recently purchased two food bikes and has begun peddling a route that takes him through the downtown and Canal Park areas.
Hanson is offering fast but healthy food from the back of his bicycle. Currently he is offering fresh organic baby carrots, cold french fried green pepper rings, Big Macs and his mom’s lasagna. When the weather warms up in June, he plans to increase the offerings, perhaps including live, fresh Lake Superior white fish.
He has been working the route for two weeks now, and is encouraged because he has already made sales on several days. Hanson’s sunny optimism is admirable, as he related how difficult it was to peddle through last week’s blizzard. Hanson is positive that sales will improve dramatically when the snow melts in July and he can make better time.
The start up cost of purchasing the two bikes and an initial inventory of food was only $400,000; which Hanson says is very reasonable compared to the expense of opening a sit-down restaurant. Hanson explained, “I’ve thrown my life savings into this venture, and enlisted Robb Link as a silent partner...oops”
Changing the subject, Hanson described plans to run the second bike on a different route, possibly going up and down a three block stretch of 27th Avenue West, where Hanson reasons he may be better known. Eventually he plans on adding other drivers for the second and third shifts.
Hanson is hoping to take the concept of green living and recycling to its logical conclusion by including Earth friendly practices like selective dumpster diving... Continued page 93
For more information contact Louie Hanson at 218-213-8160
Writen by: Robert Boone